Right from the start, the design process is an integral part of development of a product. During this process, we cover all tasks with design relevance. We track the customer right from the first germ of an idea to realisation of the idea. We always take a holistic view of the entire development process. Technical outline conditions as well as social expectations are embodied in the development of a product. Work proceeds in close collaboration with the customer so that all wishes are taken into consideration and fulfilled to the greatest possible extent.
Both in development and throughout the product’s life cycle, design is the link between function, utilisation and aesthetics.
Both in development and throughout the product’s life cycle, design is the link between function, utilisation and aesthetics.
In the analysis phase, the objectives of the product are defined and the market for which it is intended is analysed. The market will be explored for existing products and for potential improvements in respect of aesthetic, ergonomic and technical characteristics to be defined. The most recent fire safety and technical standard specifications are continually included in assessments. In close co-operation with the customer, this process results in the creation of performance specifications which include all relevant parameters and which formulate the aims. Initial sketches may be a part of this process, as a form of inspiration to produce a picture of how the future product might appear.

In the concept phase we incorporate the findings of the analysis, in order to formulate first conceptual ideas and formal and functional approaches for the task ahead. The concept phase will also embrace ergonomic investigations, procedural simulations, observations of market situations, definition of the cultural conditions to be catered for and definition of the target groups and formulation of suitable solutions.

In this phase the proposed product begins to take more concrete shape. Sketches and technical drawings will be prepared as 3D surface models which will give a representation of the appearance of the future product. CAD data will be minutely compared with the engineering development so that there is no departure from the technical outline conditions, but the draft will retain its aesthetic and functional quality. Along with design of the form, colour and material concepts will also be developed.

Visualisation of the virtual model is an essential tool to enable a picture to be gained of what the product will look like. The customer is thus given the opportunity of taking an informed glimpse into the future so that he can make informed decisions. We also offer the option of modifying existing 3D data, either originating from the technical development or from a draft which has already been realised, and to present it in a representative form. As a result, we are able to offer our customers illustrations of unparalleled aesthetic quality.

During the realisation phase we offer continuous consultancy and project tracking from a design point of view. In this way, design alterations can be incorporated and presentations amended at short notice so that current representations always show the latest stage in the product's development.

Model construction
We still have our own model construction department, which offers the special advantage that we can design and construct display models in all scales from 1:43 to 1:1 ourselves. The models serve for presentation of a project before its publication, for trade fairs and exhibitions and for use in company presentations. A further field in model construction is in preparing mock-up ergonomic models of passenger space and drivers positions for the accommodation and working area to be assessed as to their later usability.